Friday, 20 April 2018



یہ لفظ سنتے ہی ہر کسی کے ذہن میں ایک عکس بن جاتا ہے اب یہ ہر کسی کے سوچنے پر منحصر کرتا ہے کہ وہ اس لفظ سے کس چیز کا عکس اپنے ذہن میں مربوط کرتا ہے. اس لفظ کے ہر زاویے میں اپنی ایک ہم آہنگی ہے اور جوبصورت تناسب ہے. جو منفرد بھی ہے اور مربوط بھی، اس لفظ کا ہر پہلو حیران کن ہے. جس کا ظاہر بھی حیران کن ہے اور باطن بھی،
لیکن اسکا ہر پہلو مکمل ہونے کے باوجود اپنی منزل پر آنے سے پہلے اور بعد تک ایک سوال ہی رہتا ہے، دوسروں کے لیے بھی اور اپنے لیے بھی، جس کے بارے میں کوئی بھی واضح طور پر  نہیں کہہ سکتا. کیونکہ ہر کسی کا دماغ تو نہی ہم پڑھ نہیں سکتے نہ اسکے دماغ میں جھانک سکتے ہیں. یہ کائنات خدا نے ضرور بنائی ہے مگر اسکی پہچان انسان کرتا ہے. اتنے مشاہدے کے بعد بھی انسان اس کائنات کا عکس اپنے ذہن میں نہیں بنا سکتا جو صرف انسان کے لیے ہی بنائی گئی ہے. یہ سوچ انسان کی سوچ پر آ کر رک جاتی ہے. ساری کائنات کا مطالعہ کرنے کے بعد بھی مخلوق انسان پر آ کر رک جاتی ہے اور انسان کے بارے میں کئی سوال سر اٹھانے لگتے ہیں.
انسان کیا ہے؟
اسے خود بھی نہیں معلوم!
اسکو خدا نے کس چیز سے بنایا ہے مٹی یا نطفے سے؟
کوئی بھی مکمل طور پر ٹھیک طرح سے بیان نہیں کر سکتا اس کے اندر کیا پوشیدہ ہے. انسان کو کس مقصد کے لیے پیدا کیا گیا ہے، اس کا عکس ایسا کیوں تخلیق کیا گیا ہے، ضرورت تو اشرف و مخلوق سے بھی پوری ہو سکتی تھی تو انسان کو تخلیق کرنے کا مقصد..؟
 د نیا آج چاہے جتنے بڑے علم سے آگاہ کیوں نہ ہو لیکن وہ اس بات کا واضح جواب دینے سی قاصر ہے کہ انسان اگلے لمحے کیا کرے گا کیونکہ اسے خود بھی نہیں پتہ وہ کیا کرے گا، ہم اکثر سوچتے ہیں اگر ہم کچھ بھی کرتے ہیں تو وہ اللہ کی طرف سے ہوتا ہے تو ایسا کہنا غلط ہو گا کیونکہ سوچنے کی صلاحیت تو خدا نے انسان کو دی ہےپراس پر کسی کو ہاوی نہیں کیا گیا اب یہ انسان پر منحصر کرتا ہے کہ وہ اپنے ذہن کو کس قدر اچھی باتوں کی طرف لے کر جاتا ہے. اس کے ظاہر اور باطن میں تضاد کیوں؟
 اسکا اسے خود کوئی علم نہیں وہ آنے والی زندگی میں کیا کرے گا، کیا ہونے والا ہے اسے کس غلطی کی سزا ملنے والی ہے. اسے کچھ معلوم نہیں. کیونکہ انسان ایک منٹ پہلے جو سوچتا ہے دوسرے ہی لمحے وہ شاید اس بات کو سوچنا بھی نہ چاہے کیونکہ وقت کے ساتھ ساتھ انسانی سوچ بدلتی رہتی ہے ہر لمحے نئ سوچ، نئے خیالات، احساسات، جذبات اس پر اثر انداز ہو تے رہتے ہیں.اپنی پیدائش سے لے کر موت تک وہ اپنے اور دوسروں کے لیے ایک سوال بن کر رہ جاتا ہے.
اس کا آغاز بھی مبہم ہے اور انجام بھی ایک راز ہے. اسکے اپنے دعوے بھی کھوکھلے ثابت ہوتے ہیں. اس کی سوچیں اسے قدم قدم پر مات دیتی ہیں. کبھی کبھی اسکی بڑی بڑی منصوبہ بندی بھی ناکام کر دیتی ہے اور کبھی کبھی معمولی کوشش بھی اسکو بلندیوں پر پہنچا دیتی ہے. بعض اوقات انسانوں کی اکثریت اپنے شکوے شکایت پر واویلا کرتی ہے سوائے چند لوگوں کے جو اللہ کی رضا پر راضی رہتے ہیں.
آج کا انسان اپنے آپ سے بھی مایوس نظر آتا ہے اور خدا سے بھی. اور یہ اس دور کا بہت بڑا المیہ ہے کہ بے شمار خوبیوں کا انسان نا امید ہو جائے اور وہ نا امید تب ہی ہوتا ہے جب اسکا ایمان اسکی ہستی سےاٹھنے لگے. وہ ہستی جو اس کائنات کو نیست و نابود بھی کر سکتی ہے اور ویرانوں کو آباد بھی کر سکتی ہے. جب جب انسان خدا کی طرف امید سے دیکھے گا تب تب اسکی مشکل راہیں آسان ہونگی. ضرورت صرف اس امر کی ہے کہ انسان کا خدا پر یقین کامل ہو. اسکے بغیر انسان کبھی بھی کامیاب نہیں ہو سکتا.
شمائلہ انم

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Constitutions of Pakistan

        Constitutions of Pakistan (1956, 1962 and 1973)

The need of a constitution to be framed by the elected representatives of the people was all the more necessary for the free citizens of a sovereign state.

Pakistan became independent of the United Kingdom in 1947. Under Section 8 of the Indian Independence Act, 1947, the Government of India Act, 1935 became, with certain adaptations, the working constitution of Pakistan. But the need of a constitution to be framed by the elected representatives of the people was all the more necessary for the free citizens of a sovereign state. There were three constitutions beginning by 1956 constitution, then 1962 constitution and then the last was 1973 constitution.

The first Constituent Assembly was formed under the ‘Independence Act’ and was entrusted with the task to formulate a constitution for Pakistan.

After assuming charge as Prime Minister, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali along with his team worked day and night to formulate a constitution for Pakistan. His efforts led to the first constitution that was enforced in the country on March 23, 1956. Pakistan's status as a dominion ended and the country was declared an Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Thereupon the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan became the interim National Assembly and Governor General Iskander Mirza was sworn in as the first President of Pakistan.

One of the main features of the Constitution was its Islamic character. The president, who was required to be a Muslim of at least 40 years of age He was to set up an organization for Islamic research with the aim of establishing a true Islamic society. The Objectives Resolution was, however, only made the preamble of the Constitution and not included in its main text.

The President had the power to appoint the Prime Minister from amongst the members of the National Assembly. However, his appointee had to take a vote of confidence from the Assembly within two months of his appointment. The President also had the power to remove the Prime Minister if he felt that the Prime Minister had lost the confidence of the majority of the National Assembly members.

The Constitution of 1956 provided for parliamentary form of government with a unicameral legislature. The Constitution recognized the concept of One Unit, and the seats were divided equally between the two wings of the country. Thus the principle of parity was introduced. For the first ten years, five additional seats were reserved for women for each wing. National Assembly was to meet at least twice a year with at least one session at Dhaka. The Constitution offered direct elections under adult franchise. Every citizen of Pakistan with minimum age of 21 was allowed to vote in the elections.

The Constitution of 1956 proved to be short lived as on 7 October 1958, President Iskander Mirza staged a coup d'état. He abrogated the constitution, imposed martial law and appointed General Muhammad Ayub Khan as the Chief Martial Law Administrator.

The 1962 constitution provided for a federal system with the principle of parity between East Pakistan and West Pakistan. Both the provinces would run their separate provincial governments. The President was the head of the state as well as the head of the Government. . The minimum age was 35 years and he could not hold the position for two consecutive terms and the term, was of five years.

The President had the power to appoint Provincial Governors, Federal Ministers, Advocate General, Auditor General and Chairmen and Members of various administrative commissions.

Principle of Basic Democracy was introduced for the first time in the country and the system of indirect elections was presented. Only 80,000 Basic Democrats were given the right to vote in the presidential elections. The Eighth Amendment later increased this number to 120,000. Half of them were to be from the Eastern Wing, the rest from the Western Wing of the country.

According to the Constitution of 1962, the Executive was not separated from the Legislature. The President exercised veto power in the legislative affairs and could even veto a bill passed by the National Assembly with a two-third majority. He had the power to issue ordinances when the Assembly was not in session.

The President had the power to dissolve the National Assembly. Federal form of government was introduced in the country with most of the powers reserved for the Central Government. There was a federal list of subjects over which the provinces had no jurisdiction. Governors were to enjoy the same position in the provinces, which the President was to enjoy in the centre.

Islamic clauses were included in the Constitution. These could not be challenged in any court of law. The state was named the ‘Republic of Pakistan’, but the first amendment added the word "Islamic" to the name. The word "Islam" and not "Quran and Sunnah" was used in the Islamic clauses to give a liberal touch to the Constitution.

Both Urdu and Bengali were made the national languages of Pakistan and English was declared as the official language of the country for the first ten years. When Ayub Khan handed over 
After assuming charge as Prime Minister, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali along with his team worked day and night to formulate a constitution for Pakistan. His efforts led to the first constitution that was enforced in the country on March 23, 1956.
power to Yahya Khan, Martial Law was enforced in the country and the Constitution was terminated on March 25, 1969.

There was no restriction of religion for a person holding the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly. Secondly, if the President resigns from his office or vote of no-confidence passes against him, then according to the Constitution the Speaker would act as the President of the State till the election of new President. Under these special circumstances, a non-Muslim might get the chance to be an acting President of Pakistan...

The 1973 Constitution was the first achievement of Bhutto Government. The National Assembly approved the 1973 Constitution on April 10, 1973, and it came into effect on August 14. Bhutto took over as the Prime Minister of Pakistan from this date and Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry was appointed as the President of Pakistan.

The Constitution was parliamentary in nature. President was to be the Head of the State. The head of the Government, according to the Constitution, was the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet was accountable to the National Assembly for his actions.

The Prime Minister would be elected by the majority of the National Assembly. The President was to be a Muslim above 45 years of age and was to be elected by a joint sitting of members of the Parliament for 5 years. He could be re-elected but could not hold office for more than two terms.

The President was to act on the advice of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The President could be removed on the grounds of physical or mental incapacity or impeached on charges of violating the Constitution or gross misconduct. The President was authorized to appoint the Attorney General, Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts, and the Chief Election Commissioners.

The 1973 Constitution set up a bicameral legislature at the Centre consisting of two Houses, the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly consisted of 200 seats elected directly for duration of five years. The President on the advice of the Prime Minister could dissolve the National Assembly.

The Senate was to consist of 63 members; each province was to elect 14 members. In the Provincial Government, each province will have a Governor appointed by the President. The Provincial Assembly for each province consisted of 240 seats for the Punjab, 100 seats for Sindh, 80 seats for N W F P., and 40 seats for Baluchistan.

The 1973 Constitution provided a free and independent Judiciary. The Constitution guaranteed a right to the citizens; to be protected by law, and imposed two duties on them, loyalty to the Republic and obedience to the law. National Finance Commission(NFC), Council of Common Interests(CCI) and National Economic Council(NEC) were included in the constitution for the first time.

In light of the previous experience, the Constitution of 1973 was more Islamic in character than the previous ones. The Constitution recognized Islam as the religion of the country and enjoined upon the State to serve the cause of Islam and to bring all existing laws in conformity with Islam.

The Constitution of 1973 remained in force for nearly four years. It was, however, suspended by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who imposed Martial Law in the country on July 5, 1979.

Monday, 5 March 2018

                      Ethical Discussion on Facebook

ü Family discussion Cyber-bullying [Personal Information Leak]
Ruined relationships- 
 Stalker friendly-

 Impact on Career Life and Personal Life:
            Usage of Facebook
Social networks such as Facebook raise numerous ethical issues, many related to privacy. Facebook gives users more control over what is and is not publicly available in comparison to other parts of the Internet. These failures raise ethical concerns: for example,
1       Family discussion:
Current or potential employers being able to discover compromising information posted about you via social networks. We argue that, as long as employers continue to gather information legally and without deception, social networks do not raise fundamentally new ethical concerns.
2.  Cyber-bullying [Personal Information Leak]:
 On Facebook it is very easy for cyber bullies to thrive. They can harass and/or gang up on one person even easier than they could in a school environment. There aren't moderators that go around monitoring what people say to each other. Anything can be said. There are also a relatively small amount of parents that have Facebook accounts and keep up with their children's.
3.          Ruined relationships:
Facebook is notorious for causing couples to break up. Let's face it, no one wants to see their girlfriend/boyfriend telling other people that they look cute, or liking their pictures, or instant messaging them constantly. It is unethical and cannot allow in our society. Because this is not a part of Pakistan culture. It builds up jealousy, which causes quite a bit of tension in a relationship. The fact that many people try to hook up with others over Facebook while not realizing that these people are in a relationship doesn't help the issue.
4.          Distraction:
At the end of the day you may have seen your cousin's new outfit or talked to your sister who is in college, but you still haven't really accomplished anything in the hours that you were on. Critics of Facebook claim that it is a worldwide distraction and even obsession that amounts to nothing except for significant amounts of time wasted. There is even a group that is trying to stunt the influence of Facebook called "Facebook Detox."
5.           Insecurity:
Facebook is a cause for insecurities due to the fact that it makes people compare themselves to others. How can you not when all you see is pictures of your friends and acquaintances on your newsfeed? In Pakistan people feel too much insecure.
6.           Stalker friendly:
 Facebook is a very stalker friendly website. Theoretically, someone that you don't even know can say that they go to your school, add you, and get all of your information. This may include your phone number, house address, and locations you visit frequently. Not to mention the fact that they will be able to go through all of your pictures and get to know you completely without you ever knowing. This is a scary thought, but it is a real issue. And sometimes in Facebook girls pictures are uploaded, and in Pakistani culture this cannot accept because this is unethical act. Our system which is based on Islamic law so, being as a Muslim vulgar talk and the clothes which are out of Islamic code cannot allow.
7.           Monopoly: 
Facebook is the center of all business advertisements, thanks to its huge fan base. This is affecting many other small companies and startups that have no other choice but to link themselves to Facebook to market their products. Even startups force themselves to join Facebook to promote their products. But sometimes these advertisement upload the unethical address and products for example alcohol and bears etc. and this become one of great issue now a days.
8.          Impact on Career Life and Personal Life:
 People add their colleagues, family and friends to their friends' list. Make a negative comment about anyone, and it is extremely easy to find. This can be especially detrimental at your workplace. Don't think about telling friends you're looking for a new job or complaining about your boss when you have them as a Facebook friend! Depending on your job, you may also be in trouble if a friend posts pictures of you with a drink in your hand or at a party. If you work with young children or in certain professional roles, this could be grounds enough to get you fired.

With so much of your private information available in your Facebook account, it's easy for scam artists and hackers to use this information to target your other accounts—such as, email, banking, and PayPal.
 No matter how secure a website is, hackers always find a way around so they can try to spread worms and viruses via the website. Since news spreads very fast on Facebook, a click on an unknown link is all that is needed to spread the virus to your friends, their friends and so on. It is always good to be careful before clicking links and following them.
Being aware from Pakistani culture and special being as a Muslim country Government should restricted band the vulgar advertisement, talk, video’s, pictures, and all those things which are consider unethical and act against the Pakistani culture and special broke the Islamic law.
9.         Usage of Facebook:
However, they were both adopted before the onset of social media, and hence are somewhat open to interpretation when it comes to personal attitudes and behavior in the virtual sense. Social media use runs the gamut from purely personal communication with friends and family to purely professional communication with colleagues and clients. Sometimes contexts (e.g., student pharmacist, sorority sister, high school friend) overlap, and when viewed through social media, are rendered inseparable.38 Because of this blending of public/private lives, discussions pertaining to ethical use of social media can quickly disintegrate into a seemingly unending web of controversies. The initial set of ethical issues identified in the earlier review4 still have not been resolved entirely and more have arisen. However, identification and comprehension of the base ethical issues have increased due in part to research on the topic and attention from the media.

10.                       Who Is Viewing the Information?

One of the core ethical questions is, “Is it acceptable for someone outside an individual's social network to view that person's social media information?” Although one can argue that information placed online can be considered “public,” there is still an ethical issue of whether that “public” is an “open public.” Much of the conversation occurring through social media is directed at a select group of friends, colleagues, and cohorts. According to some, anyone outside of that intended audience who views social media may violate the basic concept of individual privacy.
11.                       Conclusion:
Because this topic pertains to legal and ethical issues, it inherently lends itself to a somewhat negative and critical nature. However, social media tools can be excellent means for creating and sustaining relationships among faculty members, staff members, schools, students, and alumni. They have the potential to increase communication and enhance ties with the college “family.” At the same time, the openness of social media presents the potential for ethically and legally challenging confrontations when one or more members of the “family” provide inappropriate information. Educators need to take certain steps to safeguard themselves as well as the reputation and well-being of their students.
All members of the student body, faculty and staff members, and administration should be educated concerning the legal and ethical issues surrounding social media. Understanding the issues may prevent negative incidents related to social media.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Pakistan Security Concern

                 Pakistan Security Concern

What are Pakistans security concerns after 51 years of independence

Three wars, two border conflicts and dismemberment of the country by India. Pakistan inherited Britains role and responsibilities in the Northern and Western portions of British India and across the long border with Afghanistan. This prevented a Muslim consensus from developing in the region and activated to some extent the Pak-Afghan border to the West while the Eastern border with India was already hostile requiring our undivided attention and deployment of our limited military resources.
A side from being a Muslim majority state which by all canons of justice and the rules formulated by the British for the partition of India, should by right have been a part of Pakistan, J&K is of considerable strategic importance and vital for the survival of Pakistan. The Soviet Army occupation of Afghanistan in December 1979 created an alarming situation for the security of Pakistan.

What is security?

 A thing deposited or pledged as a guarantee of the fulfillment of an undertaking or the repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in case of default.

 What is national security?

It is a concept that a government, along with its parliaments, should protect the state and its citizens against all kind of "national" crises through a variety of power projections, such as political power, diplomacy, economic power, military might, and so on. The concept developed all in the United States after World War II.

 Geo strategic location of Pakistan and its security concerns.

Unique geo-strategic location of pakistan besides offering numerous advantages at times poses certain short to long term threats. In the perspective of next two to three years our nation may encounter the following threats.
 1. Terrorism,Extremism and fundamentalismue to persistent destabilization in north-western border due on going war on terror and likely repercussions of Us-Nato post withdrawal situation in Afghanistan;terrorism,extremism and fundamentalism may witness surge if not adequately addressed.
 2.  Foreign policy challenges: Due to crisis over the issue of Iran's nuclear programe pakistan may face tough policy options especially IPI gas pipeline implementation.Due to US policy of containment of china, pakistan being its close and time-tested friend will have to encounter the tough regional and international policy concerns.
3. Kashmir. The lingering issue of kashmir due to its non-resolution may escalate bilateral relations with india on one pretext or the other
. 4. Climate change impact. Natural disasters from the northern areas in the form of torrential rains, excessive glacial melting causing floods pose serious threats to Pakistan.

 Security concerns with India.

India as a nation-state has always remained concerned about its security. As security is always contextual and situational can only be defined and ensured keeping in view time and space. It keeps on changing with the change of context. In this research exercise, a modest attempt is made to look at India's national, regional and global security concerns apart from its prospects in the future. For the convenience of readers, the paper is divided into seven parts ranging from introduction to conceptual riddle: from national to regional security concerns; from global security concerns to its prospects in the future, and the last part contains the concluding observations. Throughout this paper, the effort has been to examine India's security concerns in the long run and in broader perspective.

Security concerns with Afghanistan.

 Home World Respect Pakistan’s security concerns, its role in Afghanistan: China tells US China and Pakistan consider each other "all-weather friends" and have close diplomatic, economic and security ties.
 China’s Foreign Ministry defended its ally Pakistan earlier this week after President Donald Trump said the United States could no longer be silent about militants using safe havens on Pakistani soil.
 On Monday, Trump committed the United States to an open-ended conflict in Afghanistan, signalling he would send more troops to America’s longest war and vowing “a fight to win”. He insisted that others – the Afghan government, Pakistan, India and NATO allies – step up their own commitment to resolving the 16-year conflict, but he saved his sharpest words for Pakistan.
 On Monday, Trump committed the United States to an open-ended conflict in Afghanistan, signalling he would send more troops to America’s longest war and vowing “a fight to win”. He insisted that others – the Afghan government, Pakistan, India and NATO allies – step up their own commitment to resolving the 16-year conflict, but he saved his sharpest words for Pakistan.

Pakistan Iran strategic and security ties.

Iran–Pakistan relations Page issues After Pakistan gained its independence in August 1947, Iran was the first country to recognize its sovereign status. Iran supported Pakistan in its conflicts with India, while Pakistan in turn supported Iran militarily during the Iran–Iraq War in the 1980s. 
Pakistan's relations with Iran grew strained at times due to sectarian tensions, as Pakistani Shias claimed that they were being discriminated against under the Pakistani government's Islamisation programme.


 Dysfunctional political system

There appears to be no end in sight to Pakistan’s latest political crisis that erupted out of the sit-in launched in mid-August in Islamabad. Political crises are nothing new; in fact, they are the norm in Pakistan. So what is different this time? Two political groups, one led by cricket-star-turned politician Imran Khan leading the Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf (PTI) and the other by the Canadian-citizen cleric, Tahirul Qadri’s Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) have occupied the main streets of Islamabad and have surprised most observers by their sustainability. Their demands are clear: recount in several constituencies because of alleged rigging in the last election and resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif because he engineered such rigging. Both parties want an overhaul of the electoral system as well as the political system that allow for such rigging and corruption. They have also accused Sharif of bribing politicians, journalists and judges. They have even named individuals without evoking any threats of legal action.

Unplanned Modernization.

 Modernization is the current term for an old process,the process of social change whereby less developed societies acquire characteristics common to more developed societies. The process is activated by international, or intersocietal, communication.

Sense of Alienation

Alienation describes the feeling that you're not part of a group. Your political views might cause you to feel a sense of alienation from the rest of your family, or your vegetarianism could result in alienation from your meat-eating friends. The Latin word for alien is alienus, "belonging to another."

Media's Pole

Media Pole is a 12-meter tall integrated street facility offering ubiquitous high-tech services and digital content. 22 Media Poles are installed at 35-meter intervals along the 760 meters of Gangnamdaero (Road), stretching from Gangnam Subway Station to Kyobo Tower Crossroads. Media Pole features public transportation information, such as a subway map and bus routes, as well as a built-in camera.

Political. A Business

 Political business cycle. A business cycle that results primarily from the manipulation of policy tools (fiscal policy, monetary policy) by incumbent politicians hoping to stimulate the economy just prior to an election and thereby greatly improve their own and their party's reelection chances.

Religious Disharmony.

That is, major blame for religious oppression in Pakistan, contrary to the conventional account, lies not with the weak and ineffective state that is unable or unwilling to protect minorities, but with much of Pakistani society that refuses to extend religious freedom to others even as they themselves seek its benefits abroad.

Rise of non state actors

 Non-state actors of the extremist Islamist variety are among the major threats to world peace at the current time as these forces — largely cultivated during the anti-Soviet Afghan War in the 1980s — are now uncontrollable.


With a population of 170 million, Pakistan bears the burden of one of the most illiterate countries of Asia. About half of the male population is illiterate and two third of the female population can’t even write their names. Generally, the degree of matriculation classifies a person as being literate.

Foreign interference.

Disagreement over the sale of eight F-16’s to Pakistan still continues in the US, with the US Congress now discussing the possibility of cutting additional subsidies to secure the release of Shakil Afridi. Donald Trump also chimed inunnecessarily on the issue last Friday as he is wont to do, and stated that he would force Pakistan to secure the release. Obviously this comment did not go down too well with the government, and Chaudhry Nisar's firm response is for once, not out of place. Pakistan is a sovereign country, and another country cannot force it to release one of its own for crimes committed against the state.

judicial system

The judicial system of pakistan

The judicial system generally maintain a steady growth and gradual advance towards consolidation and improvemet,without indeed having to undergo any major disruption or substantial change.
The system experienced and passed through 3 distinct stages of historical development,namely,Hindu Kingdom Muslim Rule and British Colonial Administration.

Muslim period

The Muslim Period in the indian Sub-continent roughly begins in the 11th century.During the perod of muslim rulers,the islamic law generally held the field and remained the law of the land in settling civil and criminal disputes.

These courts had defined jurisdiction in civil,criminal and revenue matters and operated under the authority of the king.The king was the head of judicial administration and he made all appoinments to judicial posts.

All the village level,the hindu system of panchayats was retained.At the town level,there existed courts,Presided over by Qazi-e-Parganah.

British Period

The east india company was authorised by the charter of 1623 to decide the cases of its English employees .The company,therefore,established it own courts.The President and council of the company decided all cases of civil or criminalnature.

Supreme Court

It is the court of ultimate appeal and therefore the final arbiter of law and the constitution.The court consists of a Chief Justice and other judges,appointed by the President.
The number fixed at the moment is chief justice and 16 judges.A human Rights Cell has been established in the court.

High Courts

Each High Court consists of a chief justice and other puisne judges.The strength of Lahore high court is fixed at 60,high court of Sindh at 40,Peshawar High court of at ,high court of Baluchistan at 11 and Islamabad High Court at 7.
Federal Shariat Court
The court consists of 8 Muslims Judges includind the chief justice.For appoinment of chief justice however,the most senior judge of the Fedral Shariat Court is excluded from the composition of the commission.

Judicial Decision Making

Q What is Judicial Decision Making?

Ans:Judicial Decision Making is a formalized process whereby decisions are made by the presiding officers of courts,seized of the settlement of a dispute between two parties.


The word "Judgment"we may make a reference to Black's law Dictionary which defines it as the official and authentic decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein litigated and submitted to its determination.

Amendments to the constitution of 1973

1-Redefined the boundaries and removed references to East Pakistan.
2-Provide that cheif justice of Supreme court will be retired at the age of 65 and High court Judges at the age of 62 years.
3-Enables the prime Minister to obtain a vote of confidence of the people of Pakistan.
4-Allowed members of parliament to be dismissed if they defect.
5-Bill to impose Shariah law as Supremw law of land ,was never passed
6-For Free and Fair Electiona.
7-For speedy Trial Military court to deal with terrorism.

8-Fixed the interval period between sessiona of the National Assembly ti not exceed 130 days.

external and internal

 Pressures on journalists

In this chapter we consider the ways in which journalists are tempted to go against their ethical standards. We also consider ways to resist these temptations.

Journalists are professional people, trying to work within a code of professional ethics. As we saw in the last chapter, this includes the need to be fair to all parties involved in any news story.
However, journalists cannot operate in a vacuum, doing what they think is right without pressures being put on them. Journalists face pressure from a variety of sources, all trying to make the journalist behave in a way which is not the way the journalist would choose.
It is important that you try to resist all these forms of pressure, as f7ar as possible.
Of course, you will sometimes fail. This is an imperfect world, and journalists are also imperfect. Nevertheless, you should always try to resist the kinds of pressure which we shall discuss in this chapter.


Your employer pays your salary. In return, they expect to say how you will do your job. This can lead to ethical problems for journalists.
If you work for a government-owned news organisation, then your government will be your employer. This could make it very difficult for you to report critically on things which the government is doing.
Ministers will often put pressure on public service journalists to report things which are favourable to the government (even when they are not newsworthy) and not to report things which are unfavourable to the government. They can enforce public service discipline, to make journalists do as the government wants. This is especially difficult to resist in small developing countries, where there may be little or no alternative employment.


Both government-owned and commercial news media may face pressure from authority - the government, the police, customs, or some other branch of authority.
Governments can threaten, or make, laws to force all news media to be licensed. This would give them power to grant licences only to those news organisations which please the government. Even the threat to introduce such legislation may be enough to frighten journalists, and to make them afraid of criticising the government too much.

Many people think they can avoid bad publicity by threatening journalists with violence, or with legal action. Such threats should always be resisted (unless you are advised by a lawyer that you are legally in the wrong).
Junior journalists should always report any threat which they have received to their editor.


Journalists do not usually earn big money. You may therefore be vulnerable to bribery - somebody offering money (or goods or services) in return for a favourable story being written, or an unfavourable story being ignored.
To accept a bribe is dishonest. Your honesty is like virginity - it can only be lost once. Once you have accepted a bribe, you can never again be trusted as a professional person.

Gifts and freebies

Commercial companies sometimes try to buy journalists' friendship by giving them small presents or by giving them the opportunity to travel at the company's expense (sometimes called freebies).
Often this travel is legitimate. An airline which is introducing a new route to and from your country may well offer you a free seat on the first flight. You will then have the opportunity to write from first-hand experience about the service and about the destination. If the airline is confident that its service is good, and that the destination is interesting, they will be satisfied that whatever you write will be good publicity for them.


In many societies, a person's first loyalty is to members of their extended family, or clan, or tribe. This is expected to take priority over all other loyalties, including their loyalty to the ethical standards of their profession. Thus, a doctor who saved the life of a traditional clan enemy could meet with disapproval from his own relatives.
Journalists, too, face conflicts of loyalty like this. It may not only be pressure from your family, clan or tribe; it may also be from members of a club or association or church to which you belong.
For young journalists in small societies, this is often the hardest kind of pressure to resist. They understand that they should have a loyalty to their professional ethics, but deep down they are certain that they must not offend the family. To do so, and to be cut off from the family, would be unthinkable.

Personal conviction

Journalists may come under pressure from their own strong beliefs.
For example, a journalist who is deeply opposed to capital punishment may be writing a story about crime. In the course of gathering the information, they may interview somebody who calls for the death penalty as the answer to increasing crime. The journalist may be tempted not to report these comments, and to leave the question of capital punishment out of the story. This would clearly be unethical.
It is as bad to censor the news to suit your own views as it is to censor the news to please your family, or clan, or tribe. This is contrary to the most fundamental principle of free speech - that we may disagree with what somebody says, but that we must fight to defend their right to say it. See Chapter 57: Fairness for a fuller discussion of this principle.


Respect for truth and the public's right to information are fundamental principles of journalism. Journalists describe society to itself. They convey information, ideas and opinions, a privileged role. They search, disclose, record, question, entertain, suggest and remember. They inform citizens and animate democracy. They give a practical form to freedom of expression. Many journalists work in private enterprise, but all have these public responsibilities. They scrutinise power, but also exercise it, and should be accountable. Accountability engenders trust. Without trust, journalists do not fulfil their public responsibilities. MEAA members engaged in journalism commit themselves to
  • Honesty
  • Fairness
  • Independence
  • Respect for the rights of others
1.  Report and interpret honestly, striving for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of all essential facts.  Do not suppress relevant available facts, or give distorting emphasis.  Do your utmost  to give a fair opportunity for reply.
2.  Do not place unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation, family relationships, religious belief, or physical or intellectual disability.
3.  Aim to attribute information to its source.  Where a source seeks anonymity, do not agree without first considering the source’s motives and any alternative attributable source.  Where confidences are accepted,  respect them in all circumstances.
4.  Do not allow personal interest, or any belief, commitment, payment, gift or benefit, to undermine your accuracy, fairness or independence.
5.  Disclose conflicts of interest that affect, or could be seen to affect, the accuracy, fairness or independence of your journalism.  Do not improperly use a journalistic position for personal gain.  
6.  Do not allow advertising or other commercial considerations to undermine accuracy, fairness or independence.
7.  Do your utmost to ensure disclosure of any direct or indirect payment made for interviews, pictures, information or stories.
8.  Use fair, responsible and honest means to obtain material.  Identify yourself and your employer before obtaining any interview for publication or broadcast.  Never exploit a person’s vulnerability or ignorance of media practice.
9.  Present pictures and sound which are true and accurate.  Any manipulation likely to mislead should be disclosed.
10.  Do not plagiarise.
11.  Respect private grief and personal privacy.  Journalists have the right to resist compulsion to intrude.
12.  Do your utmost to achieve fair correction of errors.

Guidance Clause

Basic values often need interpretation and sometimes come into conflict. Ethical journalism requires conscientious decision-making in context. Only substantial advancement of the public interest or risk of substantial harm to people allows any standard to be overridden.
Other useful codes can be found at:
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) website has links to a Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists., the Pew Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism has links to several industry and professional codes, mainly in the US.
Ethicnet has links to codes of ethics and practice for most European countries but be warned, some of them come from countries where independent media are suppressed and the codes are used by governments to constrain journalists. With a similar warning, gives several codes of ethics for Asian countries.
Finally, Al Jazeera provides an example of how a media organisation can develop a sophisticated professional code of ethics for its journalists.
Live by the ethical standards of your profession; resist all forms of pressure to lower your standards
Report any threats, bribes or other secret pressure to your editor
Do not sell yourself for a gift or freebie
Avoid reporting stories in which you have family interests or other loyalties


شاہکار یہ لفظ سنتے ہی ہر کسی کے ذہن میں ایک عکس بن جاتا ہے اب یہ ہر کسی کے سوچنے پر منحصر کرتا ہے کہ وہ اس لفظ سے کس چیز کا عکس ...