Ethical Discussion on Facebook
ü Family
discussion Cyber-bullying [Personal Information
Stalker friendly-
Impact on Career Life and
Personal Life:
of Facebook
Social networks such as Facebook
raise numerous ethical issues, many related to privacy. Facebook gives users more control
over what is and is not publicly available in comparison to other parts of the
Internet. These failures raise ethical concerns: for example,
Current or potential employers
being able to discover compromising information posted about you via social
networks. We argue that, as long as employers continue to gather information
legally and without deception, social networks do not raise fundamentally new
ethical concerns.
2. Cyber-bullying [Personal Information
On Facebook
it is very easy for cyber bullies to thrive. They can harass and/or gang up on
one person even easier than they could in a school environment. There aren't
moderators that go around monitoring what people say to each other. Anything
can be said. There are also a relatively small amount of parents that have
Facebook accounts and keep up with their children's.
3. Ruined
Facebook is notorious for causing couples to break up.
Let's face it, no one wants to see their girlfriend/boyfriend telling other
people that they look cute, or liking their pictures, or instant messaging them
constantly. It is unethical and cannot allow in our society. Because this is
not a part of Pakistan culture. It builds up jealousy, which causes quite a bit
of tension in a relationship. The fact that many people try to hook up with
others over Facebook while not realizing that these people are in a
relationship doesn't help the issue.
4. Distraction:
At the end of the day you may have seen your cousin's
new outfit or talked to your sister who is in college, but you still haven't
really accomplished anything in the hours that you were on. Critics of Facebook
claim that it is a worldwide distraction and even obsession that amounts to nothing
except for significant amounts of time wasted. There is even a group that is
trying to stunt the influence of Facebook called "Facebook Detox."
5. Insecurity:
Facebook is a cause for insecurities due to the fact
that it makes people compare themselves to others. How can you not when all you
see is pictures of your friends and acquaintances on your newsfeed? In Pakistan
people feel too much insecure.
Facebook is
a very stalker friendly website. Theoretically, someone that you don't even
know can say that they go to your school, add you, and get all of your
information. This may include your phone number, house address, and locations
you visit frequently. Not to mention the fact that they will be able to go
through all of your pictures and get to know you completely without you ever
knowing. This is a scary thought, but it is a real issue. And sometimes in
Facebook girls pictures are uploaded, and in Pakistani culture this cannot
accept because this is unethical act. Our system which is based on Islamic law
so, being as a Muslim vulgar talk and the clothes which are out of Islamic code
cannot allow.
Facebook is the center of all
business advertisements, thanks to its huge fan base. This is affecting many
other small companies and startups that have no other choice but to link
themselves to Facebook to market their products. Even startups force themselves
to join Facebook to promote their products. But sometimes these advertisement
upload the unethical address and products for example alcohol and bears etc.
and this become one of great issue now a days.
8. Impact on Career Life and
Personal Life:
People add their
colleagues, family and friends to their friends' list. Make a negative comment
about anyone, and it is extremely easy to find. This can be especially
detrimental at your workplace. Don't think about telling friends you're looking
for a new job or complaining about your boss when you have them as a Facebook
friend! Depending on your job, you may also be in trouble if a friend posts
pictures of you with a drink in your hand or at a party. If you work with young
children or in certain professional roles, this could be grounds enough to get
you fired.
With so much of your private
information available in your Facebook account, it's easy for scam artists and
hackers to use this information to target your other accounts—such as, email,
banking, and PayPal.
No matter how secure a website is, hackers always find a way around so
they can try to spread worms and viruses via the website. Since news spreads
very fast on Facebook, a click on an unknown link is all that is needed to
spread the virus to your friends, their friends and so on. It is always good to
be careful before clicking links and following them.
Being aware from Pakistani culture
and special being as a Muslim country Government should restricted band the
vulgar advertisement, talk, video’s, pictures, and all those things which are
consider unethical and act against the Pakistani culture and special broke the
Islamic law.
Usage of Facebook:
they were both adopted before the onset of social media, and hence are somewhat
open to interpretation when it comes to personal attitudes and behavior in the
virtual sense. Social media use runs the gamut from purely personal
communication with friends and family to purely professional communication with
colleagues and clients. Sometimes contexts (e.g., student pharmacist, sorority
sister, high school friend) overlap, and when viewed through social media, are
rendered inseparable.38 Because of this blending of public/private lives, discussions
pertaining to ethical use of social media can quickly disintegrate into a
seemingly unending web of controversies. The initial set of ethical issues
identified in the earlier review4 still have not been resolved entirely and more have arisen.
However, identification and comprehension of the base ethical issues have
increased due in part to research on the topic and attention from the media.
Who Is Viewing the
One of the core ethical questions
is, “Is it acceptable for someone outside an individual's social network to
view that person's social media information?” Although one can argue that
information placed online can be considered “public,” there is still an ethical
issue of whether that “public” is an “open public.” Much of the conversation
occurring through social media is directed at a select group of friends,
colleagues, and cohorts. According to some, anyone outside of that intended audience
who views social media may violate the basic concept of individual privacy.
Because this topic pertains to
legal and ethical issues, it inherently lends itself to a somewhat negative and
critical nature. However, social media tools can be excellent means for
creating and sustaining relationships among faculty members, staff members,
schools, students, and alumni. They have the potential to increase
communication and enhance ties with the college “family.” At the same time, the
openness of social media presents the potential for ethically and legally
challenging confrontations when one or more members of the “family” provide
inappropriate information. Educators need to take certain steps to safeguard
themselves as well as the reputation and well-being of their students.
All members of the student body,
faculty and staff members, and administration should be educated concerning the
legal and ethical issues surrounding social media. Understanding the issues may
prevent negative incidents related to social media.
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