Friday, 29 December 2017



Geo-Strategic Importance of Pakistan

1. Introduction
2. Pakistan geographical location
3. Strategic significance:
a) - Proximity of great powers
b) - Gateway to central Asia- oil and energy game
c) - Significance as a transit economy
d) - Significance as an important link in the chain of Muslim countries
e) - Only Muslim country having nuclear capability
4. Conclusions/ Analysis


The strategic importance of Pakistan is unique because of being a close neighbor to Middle East, having a common border with China, India, Iran, Afghanistan and less than one hundred kilometer distance from Central Asian state of Uzbekistan. Bridge between South Asia and South West Asia; Iran and Afghanistan are energy abundant while India and China are lacking of. China finds way to Indian ocean and Arabian Sea through Korakaram. 
China with its fastest economic growth rate of 9%; is developing its southern provinces because its own port is4500 km away from Sinkiang but Gawader is 2500 km away. Pakistan offers to CARs thes hortest route of 2600 km as compared to Iran (4500 km) or Turkey (5000 km). Land locked Afganistan now at the phase of Reconstruction, finds its ways through Pakistan. Gawader port with its deep waters attracts the trade ships of China, Cars and South East Asian Countries. ASEAN

Pakistan is located at a region which has great political, economic and strategic location. It has been hub of activities of great powers for last 20 years. It has witnessed intervention of three great powers i.e Britain, USSR, and USA. Its significance was further enhanced during cold war when it becomes ally of US policy of containment of USSR and now the post cold war era has witnessed its significance particularly after the events of 9/11.


             Southern Asia lies between 24 and 36.75 northern latitude and between 61 and 75.05 eastern longitude.

Area: 7, 96000

             Towards north apart from the state of Kashmir is China. It shares 400 km long boarder with china.
Towards north Tajikistan though no boarder but a narrow strip as Wahkhan strip separate the two.
  • Towards east, Punjab-Rajasthan boarders which is 1650 km long
  • Towards west, Afghanistan and Durand line of 2250 km.
  • Towards south, Arabian and Indian sea. Coastal belt is about 700 km.

Pakistan significance is enhanced as it lies near the Persian Gulf where 65% of the world’s oil is produced.


a) Proximity of great powers:

Pakistan is located at the junction of great powers. In its neighbor’s one world power Russia and the other emerging power china lies. Any alliance among world powers enhances its significance. This factor has been utilized by Pakistan after 9/11. Security and business are two main US interests in the region while Pakistan is playing a front line role in the war against terrorism.

 Apart from this US interest in the region to contain the growing china, nuclear Iran, terrorist Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India. Today the political scenario of the region is tinged with preemption policy and US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

 Iran’s nuclear program, India’s geopolitical muscles (new strategic deal with US) to gain hegemony and to counter the rise of china. Which has earned all the qualities to change unipoler world into bipolar world? In all these issues, Pakistan is directly or indirectly involved especially after al-Qeada operations. The American think tank has repeatedly accepted that war against terrorism could never be won without the help of Pakistan. Pakistan has rigorously fought and an ongoing operation in Waziristan is also targeting the suspected Taliban in the bordering area.

b) Gateway to central Asia-(oil and energy game):

Central Asia is the center stage of new Great games. Quest for resources- oil and energy resources- holds the central point in their policies towards the central Asia. After USSR decline, new quest started which is manifested in their politics towards acquiring oil and gas. Pakistan is located very close to the oil rich Middle Eastern countries. The belt starts from Iran and is extended to the southern tip of Arabian Peninsula with Saudi Arabia as the chief exporter of the oil in the world. Thus, Pakistan can play an influential role in the shipment of oil. 

Iran is struggling to export its surplus gas and oil to eastern countries. Qatar, Pakistan and Turkmenistan pipeline projects also highlight the country’s pivotal position.
In the energy scarce world, Pakistan is located in the hub of energy rich countries i-e Iran and Afghanistan: both are energy abundant while India and china are lacking.
Geostrategic significance of the country increases manifolds while under the fact that China finds short way to Indian Ocean and Arabian sea through Karakoram highway,

c) Significance as a Transit economy:

Pakistan has the potential to develop transit economy on account of its strategic location. Land locked Afghanistan now is at the phase of reconstruction. It is linked to outside world mainly through Pakistan. China with its fastest economy growth rate of 9% (now slowed down to 7.3% yet still appreciably significant) is developing southern provinces because its own part is 4500 km away from Sinkiang but Gwader is 2500 km away. Moreover, Pakistan offers Central Asian regions the shortest route of 2600 km as compared to Iran 4500 km or Turkey 5000 km. Gwader port with its deep waters attracts the trade ships from China, CAR and South East Asian countries, also the coastal belt of Balochistan can provide outlet to china’s western provinces to have access to middles eastern markets with the development of coastal highways and motorways.

d) Important link in the chain of Muslim countries:

If we look at the map of Muslim countries, Pakistan occupies a central location. Towards west of Iran, china extends to North Africa. Thus it can actively participate in the activities of Muslim world-economic development, transport of resources and above all combat terrorism.

e) Only Muslim country with nuclear capability:

In the region Pakistan is the only Muslim country having nuclear capability which has great influence on the political, socio-economic activities in the region and the maintenance of status-quo in the region.


Pakistan is a junction of south Asia, west Asia and central Asia; a way from resource efficient countries to resource deficient countries. The world is facing energy crises and terrorism. Pakistan is a route for transportation and a front line state against terrorism. Moreover Pakistan has been traditionally ally of emerging economic giant; china. So in the vague of any change in world politics, Pakistan’s geo-strategic significance would further be enhanced.

Ethical discussion on Facebook

                         Ethical discussion on Facebook

·       Family discussion
·       Cyber-bullying [Personal Information Leak]
·       Ruined relationships- 
·       Distraction- 
·       Insecurity- 
·       Stalker friendly-
·       Monopoly
·       Impact on Career Life and Personal Life:
·       Usage of Facebook
·       Conclusion

Social networks such as Facebook raise numerous ethical issues, many related to privacy. Facebook gives users more control over what is and is not publicly available in comparison to other parts of the Internet. These failures raise ethical concerns: for example,

1.       1.   Family discussion:

Current or potential employers being able to discover compromising information posted about you via social networks. We argue that, as long as employers continue to gather information legally and without deception, social networks do not raise fundamentally new ethical concerns.

2.          Cyber-bullying [Personal Information Leak]:
 On Facebook it is very easy for cyber bullies to thrive. They can harass and/or gang up on one person even easier than they could in a school environment. There aren't moderators that go around monitoring what people say to each other. Anything can be said. There are also a relatively small amount of parents that have Facebook accounts and keep up with their children's.
3.          Ruined relationships:
Facebook is notorious for causing couples to break up. Let's face it, no one wants to see their girlfriend/boyfriend telling other people that they look cute, or liking their pictures, or instant messaging them constantly. It is unethical and cannot allow in our society. Because this is not a part of Pakistan culture. It builds up jealousy, which causes quite a bit of tension in a relationship. The fact that many people try to hook up with others over Facebook while not realizing that these people are in a relationship doesn't help the issue.
4.          Distraction:
At the end of the day you may have seen your cousin's new outfit or talked to your sister who is in college, but you still haven't really accomplished anything in the hours that you were on. Critics of Facebook claim that it is a worldwide distraction and even obsession that amounts to nothing except for significant amounts of time wasted. There is even a group that is trying to stunt the influence of Facebook called "Facebook Detox."
5.           Insecurity:
Facebook is a cause for insecurities due to the fact that it makes people compare themselves to others. How can you not when all you see is pictures of your friends and acquaintances on your newsfeed? In Pakistan people feel too much insecure.
6.           Stalker friendly:
 Facebook is a very stalker friendly website. Theoretically, someone that you don't even know can say that they go to your school, add you, and get all of your information. This may include your phone number, house address, and locations you visit frequently. Not to mention the fact that they will be able to go through all of your pictures and get to know you completely without you ever knowing. 
7.           Monopoly: 
Facebook is the center of all business advertisements, thanks to its huge fan base. This is affecting many other small companies and startups that have no other choice but to link themselves to Facebook to market their products. Even startups force themselves to join Facebook to promote their products. But sometimes these advertisement upload the unethical address and products for example alcohol and bears etc. and this become one of great issue now a days.
8.          Impact on Career Life and Personal Life:
 People add their colleagues, family and friends to their friends' list. Make a negative comment about anyone, and it is extremely easy to find. This can be especially detrimental at your workplace. Don't think about telling friends you're looking for a new job or complaining about your boss when you have them as a Facebook friend! Depending on your job, you may also be in trouble if a friend posts pictures of you with a drink in your hand or at a party. If you work with young children or in certain professional roles, this could be grounds enough to get you fired.
 With so much of your private information available in your Facebook account, it's easy for scam artists and hackers to use this information to target your other accounts—such as, email, banking, and PayPal.
 No matter how secure a website is, hackers always find a way around so they can try to spread worms and viruses via the website. Since news spreads very fast on Facebook, a click on an unknown link is all that is needed to spread the virus to your friends, their friends and so on. It is always good to be careful before clicking links and following them.
Being aware from Pakistani culture and special being as a Muslim country Government should restricted band the vulgar advertisement, talk, video’s, pictures, and all those things which are consider unethical and act against the Pakistani culture and special broke the Islamic law.
9.         Usage of Facebook:
However, they were both adopted before the onset of social media, and hence are somewhat open to interpretation when it comes to personal attitudes and behavior in the virtual sense. Social media use runs the gamut from purely personal communication with friends and family to purely professional communication with colleagues and clients. Sometimes contexts (e.g., student pharmacist, sorority sister, high school friend) overlap, and when viewed through social media, are rendered inseparable.Because of this blending of public/private lives, discussions pertaining to ethical use of social media can quickly disintegrate into a seemingly unending web of controversies. The initial set of ethical issues identified in the earlier review still have not been resolved entirely and more have arisen. However, identification and comprehension of the base ethical issues have increased due in part to research on the topic and attention from the media.

10.                       Who Is Viewing the Information?

One of the core ethical questions is, “Is it acceptable for someone outside an individual's social network to view that person's social media information?” Although one can argue that information placed online can be considered “public,” there is still an ethical issue of whether that “public” is an “open public.” Much of the conversation occurring through social media is directed at a select group of friends, colleagues, and cohorts. According to some, anyone outside of that intended audience who views social media may violate the basic concept of individual privacy.
11.                       Conclusion:
Because this topic pertains to legal and ethical issues, it inherently lends itself to a somewhat negative and critical nature. However, social media tools can be excellent means for creating and sustaining relationships among faculty members, staff members, schools, students, and alumni. They have the potential to increase communication and enhance ties with the college “family.” At the same time, the openness of social media presents the potential for ethically and legally challenging confrontations when one or more members of the “family” provide inappropriate information. Educators need to take certain steps to safeguard themselves as well as the reputation and well-being of their students.
All members of the student body, faculty and staff members, and administration should be educated concerning the legal and ethical issues surrounding social media. Understanding the issues may prevent negative incidents related to social media.

Social economic problem in Pakistan

                           Social economic problem in Pakistan

• A problem-free society; desire of every individual
• Defining social and economic problems
• Why they are a menace?

A. Social Problems

• Problems at the time of separation grew with the passage of time
• The current scenario

B. Economic Problem
C. Remedies


The most beautiful moment in the life of humans is when someone of their own blood calls them ‘mama’ or ‘papa’. Parents want to provide the newborn with the best of everything. He is pampered, protected and taken care of. The blissful period of childhood soon gets over, and the little human infant grows up to be an adult ready to face the challenges of the world he was born in. He sees around him with a hope of finding the same perfection in everything which his parents had provided him with. In no time, he realizes that the Utopian concept of a perfect world should be confined to the fictional Island created by Thomas More in his widely renowned novel only. 

A:Social Problems

Pakistan has been facing a lot of social problems since its inception in 1947. In the start there were the problems of lack of funds, rehabilitation of refugees, poor infrastructure and widespread poverty of masses. Quaid-e-Azam tried his best to solve these problems and get the state machinery working but due to his sudden death, he could not eradicate these problems completely.

Besides terrorism there are other social problems which are older and more widespread. The biggest of these problems is poverty. 70% population of Pakistan lives in villages. Most of them don’t have access to adequate basic needs of life. They are struggling for bread and butter. A large chunk of population lives below poverty line. They live in miserable conditions.

Illiteracy is yet an other problem of Pakistan. The literacy rate lingers on 56% and ironically it also includes those people who can read and write their name in Urdu.
 Over the decades, despite decreasing, illiteracy rate in Pakistan has shown an upward trend. Not only that but enrollment ratio of students at primary level has shown a decreasing trend. The fact that 50 percent of children do not complete their primary education testifies this fact.

Corruption is another huge social problem. According to latest report of Transparency International, Pakistan has been ranked at 42nd number among the most corrupt nations of the world. From clerical staff to higher offices and bureaucrats, all are involved in corruption of one kind or the other. Corruption in government departments is so much deep-rooted that a common concept prevails that the system doesn't let honest people to work peacefully.

Unemployment is also regarded as a major social problem. Major portion of Pakistan’s population consists of youth and a large number of young people who have the ability and are willing to work are unemployed. Currently rate of unemployment as per official resources is 7.4% but according to some private estimates the are of unemployment is 12%.

B. Economic Problems

Economic prosperity serves as a backbone for the overall progress of a nation. One thing is common in all developed nations- they are economically sound. When citizens of a country are freed from the worries of earning a livelihood to sustain their lives, they divert their attention to more useful things. They focus on education, improvise healthcare, develop technologies that make life easy and much more. Poor economic condition is the root cause of so many problems that exist in a society. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s economic conditions are pathetic. 

Result is that all our important industries that once served as an important contributor to the national GDP have been closed down. Sugar, cement and shoe industry is on its downfall while textile industry is breathing its last. Foreign investors are not ready to setup their businesses in Pakistan.

Rate of inflation was never a two-digit figure in Pakistan, but in recent years it has seen an unprecedented increase. Prices of all consumer products in general and food products in particular are rocket high. Core inflation soared to 18.85% in first quarter of year 2009 until SBP took steps to curb inflation through tight monetary policy. Cost of production increased due to various factors.

C. Remedies

Successive governments have taken steps to solve various socio-economic problems. But these problems are so deep-rooted that they have not been successful in putting an end to these problems. The problem lies in the fact that government focuses on one factor and ignores the others related to it. For example, much emphasis is laid on beefing up security in big cities in wake of terrorism. But nothing serious has been done to seal the unlawful entrance of arms from across the border. Acids and explosive materials used for destruction by atomic bombs are easily available in market at cheap prices.

Secondly, there is a sheer need to curb corruption at all levels. The institutions of NAB and FIA should be made more powerful to curb corruption. Culprits should not be allowed to escape out of country. Rather strict punishments should be imposed on them. Not only they should be strictly dealt with, but the wealth looted by them should be recovered and employed for the welfare of people.

Thirdly, poverty reduction should be top priority of government. Cottage industry and self-business should be promoted. Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. It should be strengthened by providing loans to farmers. Free of cost educations should be provided to children in villages. Overall standard of living needs to be improved and inflation should be controlled.

Lastly, for economic development, energy crises should be controlled. New dams should be built and new methods of producing electricity should be utilized.


As stated in the start of essay, no country is free from socio-economic problems. These problems are present in every country but the winners are those who overcome most if not all of them. Though Pakistan is currently facing a lot of socio-political and socio-economic problems but it doesn't mean that it is going towards its end. Nations face multifarious problems but together they work for towards the solution. The same is the need of hour. Government as well as every single citizen of Pakistan has to play its own specific role to bring about a positive change. 

Reporting beats

                                       Reporting Beats

What is a BEAT?
Specific areas covered regularly by a specific reporter.


  •  City & County Government
  •  Education 
  •  Police 
  •  Religion 
  •  Science/Environment/Medicine
  •  Business 
  •  Sports

Beat Reporters

  •  A good reporter is: 
  •  Familiar with general background 
  •  Knows specific language of area
  •  Asks right questions 
  •  Recognizes newsworthy info
  •  Writes understandable stories for unfamiliar readers
  •  Beat Story Ideas 
  •  Regular  coverage
  •  Journalist enterprise—often more in-depth

 Beat reporters tell audiences not only what is happening, but how to get involved.

How to cover a BEAT:

  •   Be Prepared
  •   Research background & talk to sources
  •   Be Alert 
  •   Know who will benefit from coverage 
  •   Note who is for & against it
  •   Be Persistent 
  •   Insist on clear answers
  •   Follow-up slow developments 
  •   Be There 
  •   No substitute for personal contact
  •   Be Accurate
  •   Reflective listen and clarify
  •   Be Wary 
  •   You are a reporter not participant 
  •   Write for readers not sources

Reporting Tips

  •  Beat reporting is like gardening…news is cultivated & grows slowly 
  •  Regular follow-up 
  •  Don’t give up!
  •  Building Relationships:  
  •  Build goodwill
  •  Don’t shun good news 
  •  Protect sources if necessary
  •  Ask questions… 

  Does it make sense to me? 
 How can I make sense to my readers?
 Writing for Readers

  •  Translate 
  •  Make technical, specialized language clear 
  •  Make your writing human 
  •  State how information will impact real people
  •  Think of the public pocket book
  •  Find out how much it cost the public 
  •  Get out of the office 
  •  Go where news is happening
  •  Don’t rely on other accounts (web, reports, etc.) 
  •  Ask the readers’ questions 
  •  Practical Principles for Beat Reporters
  •  Information is Power
  •  Money is key 
  •  The budget is the blueprint
  •  Distributing power and money is politics

good paragraph is like a miniature essay

         Good paragraph is like a miniature essay

A good paragraph is like a miniature essay. It has a clear beginning, middle, and ending. Strong paragraphs combine focus and attention to detail to develop a single idea thoroughly, and they help the reader transition from one idea to the next.

Consider the following when writing a paragraph:

1. UNITY - singleness or "oneness" of purpose. All the detail sentences clearly point to or support the topic sentence.

2. COHERENCE - all the sentences and ideas in the paragraph flow smoothly together to make clear and logical points about the topic. Coherence can be achieved through the use of:

A. A natural or easily recognized order:

> Time Order (Chronological) - arranging details or sentences as they happen according to time; usually used in writing narratives

> Space / Direction Order (Spatial) - arranging evidence in relation to space, direction or location

> Importance Order (Emphatic) - arranging details in order of importance or emphasis

> Step-by-Step (Sequential or Procedural) - arranging information according to numbers.

B. Transition Words and Phrases - used to show the connection from one sentence to another, or to signal a new train of thoughts

> Some common transitions:

a. For continuing a common line of reasoning: consequently, clearly, then, furthermore, additionally, and, in addition, because, besides that, in the same way, also, in the light of...
b. To change the line of reasoning: however, on the other hand, but, yet, nevertheless, on the contrary
c. For the final points of a paragraph or essay: finally, lastly
d. Transitional chains, to use in separating sections of a paragraph which is arranged chronologically: 
- first, second, third...
- generally, furthermore, finally
- in the first place, also, lastly/finally
- in the first place, just in the same way, finally
- basically, similarly, as well as
e. To signal conclusion: therefore, this, hence, in conclusion, indeed
f. To restate a point within a paragraph in another way or in a more exacting way: after, afterwards, as soon as, at first, at last, before, before long, finally, in the first place, in the meantime, later, meanwhile, next, soon, then

C. Repetition of Key Words - important words or phrases (and their synonyms) may be repeated throughout a paragraph to connect the thoughts into a coherent statement.

D. Substitution of Pronouns for Key Nouns - use a key noun in one sentence and then use a pronoun in its place in the following sentences. When using pronouns consider the nouns to be replace by checking the nouns: 1. number - is the noun to be substituted singular of plural, 2. function in the sentence - is the noun to be replaced use as a possessive, a subject, or object, 3. gender - is the noun to be replaced a male, a female, a common noun or a neutre, 4. Person - is the noun to be replaced in the first, second, or third person.

E. Parallelism - use of the same grammatical structure in several sentences to establish coherence. The use of similar phrasing helps tie ideas and sentences together.

3. PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT -->- Support and evidence provided by the writer can be explained in different ways, these details can be provided by giving or using: 
A. narration – telling a story
B. description – painting something or someone by use of words
C. comparison – showing how two subjects are similar
D. contrast – pointing out how two subjects are different from each other
E. example – providing illustrations or representatives of an idea or topic
F. classification – organizing or grouping together subjects with the same Qualities or characteristics
G. division – taking out a part from the whole to fully discuss or emphasize how the part is integral to the whole.
H. definition – giving the meaning of a term, idea, or concept
I. process analysis – telling how something is achieved or came to be; or telling how to do something
       J. cause and effect – showing reasons/results of a phenomena/process

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Hypothesis of Hypodermic Theory

                         Hypothesis of Hypodermic Theory

1) People in mass society lead isolated lives because of their origin based on different society and culture.

·         The message flow is always from sender to receiver or top to bottom. The Theory was not based on empirical findings. It rather, employed assumptions of the time about human nature.

2) Human being has same way of responding against stimuli like all others animals.
·         The audience is passive and susceptible and is easily influenced by the message which might not be true every time. But the reactions of people differ. Some people can be passive whereas some people might not believe in media. The all society members react same to listen or seen information like forest animals when a hunter hunts any animal.

3) Because of the uniform instincts people attend the events and messages in a similar way.

·         The study showed that the pattern was affected by media in minimum amount but was more affected by interpersonal communication. Studies show that media has selective influence on mass. All peoples attend the messages in same way no difference which media or opinion leader say the people believe and doing same way.

4)  People receive and react about mass media message in a similar way.

·         The theory is not taken as empirical (verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic).they has no different from each other’s peoples response in a same way. A less difference can but more difference in not possible in receiving a message and about react.

5)  He massage bullet strike every ear and eyes and result the some             change in thought behavior

  •    There are many media options with the growth of media outlets today. The     theory is not applicable in today’s world.The massage of the leader influence on the thinking of the audience. Factors such as attitudes, beliefs, education and living  situation determine whether a person will accept a message from the media. Still, in spite of the media’s overwhelming presence in society, the biggest source of information and influence in a person’s life continues to be interpersonal relationships.

Monday, 16 October 2017

writing for the web

                               Writing For The Web

In this lecture we will try to learn about the effective rules of writing for websites, where these points are necessary to know firstly;

1. Treat your web visitors like wild animals
2. Put your most important information first
3. Don’t try to be clever or creative
4. Write for scanners
5. Use familiar words
6. Write for lazy people
7. Expect people to arrive anywhere on your website
8. Make it easy for hunters to find you
9. Make a visual impression

1. Treat your web visitors like wild animals

Your website visitors behave like wild animals. They’re hunting for information or a product to buy – just like a hungry panther hunts for his next meal.When a panther sniffs a scent trail he quickly decides: will the scent trail lead to a good meal? And will it be an easy catch?Your web visitors consider the same two things: Does your website offer what they’re looking for? And can they find it easily?
A hungry panther doesn’t like wasting time to catch a meal. And your web visitors don’t want to browse around your website for several long minutes to find the product they’re after. They want to find it quickly.Just like the panther makes a fast decision whether to follow a scent trail or not, your web visitor decides quickly whether your site is useful or not. So if your site looks complicated with a lot of options to choose from, they click away to check out another website.

2. Put your most important information first

Writing for the web is completely different from writing an essay or a paper.An essay might go like this: First, explain what you’re going to discuss. Then, present an overview of the literature. Next, discuss; and finally draw your conclusion. The most important point you make is in the conclusion – at the end of your essay!
On web pages you have to do the opposite: you’re most important points always come first.Information that’s most important to your web visitors is often a simple statement of what you do. Once they understand what you do, they might want to know some important details. And then – maybe they’d like to know some background information.
Journalists call this way of writing the inverted pyramid. In newspaper articles the most newsworthy information comes first before details and background information. Even if you only read the first paragraph of a newspaper story you still understand the big picture.It’s the same on your website. Your customers want to know the big picture first. Basically: What do you do? Or what can you do for them?

3. Don’t try to be clever or creative

On the web it’s rare that a reader hangs on to every word you write. He doesn’t have time. He’s in a hurry because he could check out several other scent trails – websites – instead of wasting time trying to figure out what you do.Simple statements often work best.Clever phrasing requires people to think. And asking people to think, doesn’t work on the web because web visitors are hunting – they don’t have time to think. So keep your web copy as simple as possible.Write as if you’re writing for a 12-year old because that makes your copy easy-to-follow. And be careful with jokes unless you’re absolutely sure your target audience will get them.

4. Write for scanners

How many people read web pages?Research suggests that only 16% of people read web pages word-for-word. Most people scan. How can you write for scanners? A check list:

Does your headline communicate what you’re about?
Does your image caption communicate a sales message?
Do your sub headlines summarize your key points?
Do easy-to-scan bullet points reduce wordiness?

Your web visitor is hunting for information or products. Ensure he can understand your most important information by just glancing at your web page.

5. Use familiar words

Imagine you want to fly to Bangkok for a holiday and you’re looking for a cheap flight. What will you search for: a cost-effective flight, a low-fare, or a cheap flight to Bangkok?Nobody searches for cost-effective flights. As Google’s Keyword Tool shows cheap is what people are looking for:Most people search for cheap flights

Carewords are the words people are looking for. We often like to make ourselves sound better than we are. We try to embellish what we do. We try to sound scientific, fancy or special. But your web visitor is looking for familiar words – carewords – because they’re the scent trail that tells him he’s in the right place.

6. Write for lazy people

Just like the lazy panther looks for an easy catch for his dinner, your web visitor doesn’t want to make an effort to read your text.
Make your copy easy to read:
Use short paragraphs – four sentences max;
Use short sentences – twelve on average;
Skip unnecessary words;
Avoid jargon and gobbledygook
Avoid the passive tense;
Avoid needless repetition;
Address your web visitors directly. Use the word you;
Shorten your text.

7. Expect people to arrive anywhere on your website

People usually read a book from chapter one, via chapter two to three and four etc.Now, imagine people pick up a book and start reading somewhere completely at random. Possibly at the beginning of the last chapter, maybe in the middle of chapter three, or at the last page of chapter one.
That’s what the web is like. Most web visitors will not start reading at your home page. They may arrive on any of your web pages.

If each web page can be an entry page what does that mean?
Each page should be easy to scan;
Each page should clarify to people where they are; and what your site is about;
Each page should have a call to action telling people where to go next – to read another blog post, sign up for your email newsletter, check out a detailed product description or testimonial, request a quote or add a product to a shopping cart.

8. Make it easy for hunters to find you

Potential customers are hunting for information or products.

How can you help them find you?
Answer the questions potential customers are asking;
Discuss one key topic for each page;
Include links to relevant pages on your own website or to other websites;
Use phrases and words your potential customers are looking for.

9. Make a visual impression

Web copy and web design should work together.You can’t write your words, you can’t compose your sentences, you can create your bullet points, without considering how your web page will look.The visual appeal of your website impacts the readability of your text; and influences whether web visitors can quickly get what you’re about.

How to increase the visual appeal of your web copy:

Replace text by photographs or videos;
Consider different font sizes – think about people scanning large text first;
Emphasize quotes of customers (or experts) to add credibility;
Play around with highlights, bold text, CAPS, or italics;
Break a long headline into a headline with a sub headline;
Change paragraphs into bullet points.


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1) Know your reader
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10) Edit. Edit. Edit.

Education in Pakistan

                   Education  in pakistan 1947 to 2017

Pakistan achieved independence from over a century of British colonial rule in August 1947. The colonialperiod did witness some progress in education. However, the progress was largely limited to whatemerged as India. The regions comprising Pakistan were relatively backward in all respects, including ineducation. 
At independence, 85 percent of the population was illiterate and in the more backward regionsof the country, e.g., Balochistan, the literacy rate was even lower, with the rate for rural women thereinbeing virtually zero.
Close to two-thirds of the population and over 80 percent of rural women are still illiterate.More than a quarter of children between the ages of five and nine do not attend school. And for those who do, the quality of education is seriously wanting. One 1994 study conducted arithmetic and Urdu language tests to grade-3 school children in Lahore and found that only 33 percent of students in government schools passed both the tests. 
The sametest conducted in 1996 to test grade-3 students in 5 districts in Punjab found that only 22 percent of thestudents in government schools passed both the tests. The same test adminsitered to the teachers did notelicit an encouraging result either.
 This paper outlines this process from the education conference in 1947to the education policy presented in 1998.  

Quaid message in National Education Conference: 
19472 One of the first attempts in the field of education and literacy was the National Education Conference in 1947. The Quaid-e-Azam, in his message to the Conferences said: "... the importance of education and the type of education cannot be over-emphasized ... there is no doubt that the future of our State will and must greatly depend upon the type of education we give to our children, and the way in which we bring them up as future citizens of Pakistan ... we should not forget that we have to compete with the world which is moving very fast in this direction."

At the time of first census in 1950 the overall literacy in Pakistan is 14%.

In musharaf era
Although literacy in Pakistan has grown by about 13% during President Mushsarraf's rule to about 56%, it still remains woefully low when compared to its neighbors. 
However, Pakistanis now spend more time in schools and colleges and graduate at a higher rate than their Indian counterparts in 15+ age group, according to a report on education
Pakistan's primary schooling rate of 21.8% is slightly higher
Pakistan's combined graduation rate at all three levels is 45.7%

Education ranking in different regions:

Islamabad – 

The Federal Capital is atop both the provincial/regional rankings, as well as the district rankings for the first time with increased learning and enrollment scores.

Punjab – 

Punjab remains consistent in both the education and school infrastructure rankings. The survey found that over 93 percent of schools in the province had all four facilities available, rendering their schools more complete than other provinces.

AJK – 

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) has consistently performed above the national average for the past four years in Education Score.


 The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan round-up the bottom of the provincial rankings.

Gilgit-Baltistan – 

Districts from Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) continuously appear in the top half of the rankings. With 50 percent of its school facilities not available, GB, like AJK, succeeds with relatively high Education Scores.


 Khyber Pakthunkhwa (KPK), although remaining stagnant on fifth rank, is below the national average, with a slightly reduced Education Score. But 50 percent of its schools still do not have any of the four basic facilities available (electricity, drinking water, toilet and boundary wall).

Sindh – 

Sindh remained stagnant at the sixth rank in educational score. It only managed to get six districts in the top half of the rankings, with none in the top 40. School infrastructure is no better with a score below 50.

The quality of education remains the biggest challenge for Pakistan, as there are only moderate improvements in the score of learning outcomes – last year from 52.33 to 54.78 this year. The evidence from Islamabad, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa demonstrates that strong political commitment can translate into improved education outcomes.  The overall evidence from across the country however remains stark – and suggests that Pakistan will need dramatically more political commitment, in all parts of the country, to secure a decent future for its children.

Problems in Education
Following are the problems in education in Pakistan.
         1.    Education System is based on Unequal Lines
The educational system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. Medium of education is different in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments.

          2.    Regional Disparity
Regional disparity is also a major cause. The schools in Baluchistan (The Largest Province Of Pakistan By Area) are not that much groomed as that of Punjab (The Largest Province Of Pakistan By Population). In FATA, the literacy rate is deplorable constituting 29.5% in males and 3% in females.

          3.     Ratio of Gender Discrimination
The ratio of gender discrimination is a cause which is projecting the primary school ratio of boys & girls which is 10:4 respectively. For the last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private schools. That not only harms the quality of education but creates a gap among haves and has not.

4.    Lack of Technical Education
The lack of technical education is a biggest flaw in the educational policy that has never been focused before. Therefore, less technical people mean less.

          5.    Funds
The allocation of funds for education is very low. It is only 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the total GDP. It should be around 7% of the total GDP.

          6.    Untrained Teachers
The teachers in government schools are not well trained. People who do not get job in any other sector, they try their luck in educational system. They are not professionally trained teachers so they are unable to train a nation.

          7.    Poverty
Poverty is also another factor that restricts the parents to send their children to public or private schools. So, they prefer to send their children to madrassas where education is totally free.
Recently, minister of education announced a new Education policy for that next 10 years. The interesting thing is that the previous educational policy from 1998 to 2010 is still not expired. Although it is projected to give new plans and to make more promises with the nation. It is said in this policy that all the public schools will be raised up to the level of private schools. No plan of action have been discussed, yet a notice is issued to private schools to induct government course in 5th and 8th class and these classes will bound to take board exams. This disturbed the students of private sector also.


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